If you’re just starting out with yoga, or if you’re looking for a more comprehensive guide to hatha yoga poses, then look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss 15 hatha yoga poses that are perfect for beginners. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform each pose, and we’ll also include photos and videos so you can see how they’re done.
What do you need before starting your yoga practice?
First, you’ll need to find a yoga mat that’s comfortable for you. You may also want to invest in a yoga block and yoga strap, which can be helpful for beginners. Once you have your yoga mat and props, find a quiet place where you can practice without distractions.
The following yoga poses are perfect for beginners. Remember to listen to your body and only do what feels comfortable.
What to expect from your Hatha yoga practice?
Hatha yoga is a great way to relax and de-stress. It can help improve your flexibility, strength, and stamina. You can expect to feel more calm and relaxed after your practice.
Yoga Poses to Practice as a Beginner
Yoga beginners should start with the following yoga poses:
1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
The mountain pose is the perfect yoga pose to begin with, as it teaches you how to stand tall and find your balance.
To perform this pose, stand with your feet together at 3-4 cm distance. keep your arms by your sides.
Stretch your arms on the side.
Interlock your fingers and keep the hand at the back of your head.
Engage your core muscles and tuck your tailbone under as you slowly raise your arms overhead.
Slowly lift your heel and balance yourself on your toes.
Keep your shoulders down and your eyes focused on a spot in front of you.
Hold this pose for a few breaths, then release and repeat.
2. Ardha Dhanurdandasana
Ardha Dhanurdandasana pose is a great way to stretch your upper body and abdominal muscles.
To perform this pose, stand with your feet shoulder distance apart.
Keep both the arms on the side.
Raise right arm up. Arm should be touching the ear all the time.
Inhale and while exhaling slowly start bending from your waist, towards the left side.
Keep your feet firm on the ground.
Hold for ten counts, slowly come up while inhaling.
Repeat from the other side.
3. Kati Chakrasana (Spinal Twisting Pose)
This pose is a great way to twist your spine, back and abdominal muscles and also improve the spinal and back mobility.
To perform this pose, stand with your feet shoulder width distance.
Raise both the arms on the side
Inhale and while exhaling slowly start twisting from your waist towards the right side. Keep right hand on your waist and left hand on your shoulder.
Keep your legs fixed on the ground. Look back and hold for ten counts.
Inhale and come to the front.
Repeat same on the other side.
Repeat twice on both sides.
4. Dwikonasana (Double Angle Pose)
Double angle pose is a great way to stretch your chest and shoulder muscles. It also stretches the calf and thigh muscles.
Stand with your legs at three feet distance.
Interlock your fingers at the back and stretch both the arms towards the back.
Inhale and while exhaling start bending forward from your waist. Go as low as you can.
Now raise both the arms up and hold the pose for ten counts.
Repeat twice.
5. Virbhadrasana II (Warrior pose II)
This is an excellent yoga pose to improve the strength in your legs and also open up your hips and chest muscles.
Stand with three feet gap between your feet.
Turn right ankle towards right side at 90 degree.
Inhale and stretch both the arms on the side.
Exhale and bend your right knee. Your knee should be parallel to your ankle.
Keep the left leg straight and push your hip down.
Turn your head towards to the right and look at your right hand.
Hold the pose for ten seconds.
Inhale and come back to the initial position.
Repeat with other leg.
6. Vayu Niskasana (Wind Releasing Pose)
Vayu niskasana is a great way to flex your knee joint and stretch your lower back and spine. It also helps relieve constipation and gas.
Stand with shoulder width gap between your feet.
Bend over and tuck your fingers and palm under your feet. Palm should be touching the sole.
Inhale and while exhaling sit down, as you sit both your arms will come between the legs. Tuck in your tailbone and look up.
Again inhale and stand up but do not remove your hands from under your feet. You will be in a bend over position.
Repeat ten times.
7. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
Tree pose is a great way to improve your balance and concentration. It also helps stretch your inner thighs, chest and shoulders.
Stand with your feet together.
Shift the body weight on our right feet.
Lift left feet off from the ground and keep it on your right thigh.
Take both hands above your head and join them in namaste
Try to concentrate on a single point or object.
Balance on each side for ten seconds each in the beginning and then gradually increase the timing.
8. Marjari Asana (Cat-Cow Pose)
This simple yet effective pose helps improve your spinal mobility and flexibility. It also helps relieve back pain.
Start on all fours, with your knees directly below your hips and your hands slightly below your shoulders.
As you inhale, arch your spine and back and look up toward the ceiling. pull your shoulder back and push your chest forward.
As you exhale, round your spine toward the ceiling and tuck your chin to chest, pressing firmly through your palms and tops of the feet as you lift tailbone high.
Repeat this sequence for 5-10 times.
9. Puppy Pose
The puppy pose is a great way to stretch your shoulders, chest, and back. To perform this pose.
Come on your knees.
Keep your legs together.
Now sit back on your heels in Vajrasana position.
Raise both the arms up and inhale.
While exhaling slowly bend down.
Keep your head on the ground and stretch your arms forward.
10. Adho Mukh Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Downward facing dog is one of the most commonly known yoga poses. This pose stretches your hamstrings, calves, and back, while also providing a mild cardiovascular workout.
To perform the downward-facing dog pose, start in tabletop position.
Place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart and tuck your toes under.
Then, as you exhale, lift your knees off the ground and press your hip and tailbone up.
Keep your heel on the ground.
Press your spine and thoracic downward
Hold this pose for a few breaths.
11. Janu Sirasana (Head to Knee Pose)
This yoga pose helps improve flexibility in the hamstrings and spine.
Sit on the ground with your legs extended straight in front of you.
Bend your right knee and bring your heel toward your pelvis.
Inhale stretch both the arms up and lengthen your spine.
Slowly start bending from your hips while exhaling. Bring your forehead to rest on your knee.
Keep your spine straight and do not bend the knee.
Stay in this position for ten seconds.
Inhale and slowly come up.
repeat with other leg.
12. Kandhrasana (Shoulder Pose)
Kandhrasana is an excellent yoga pose for beginners. This pose relieves back pain while also providing a great stretch for your shoulders and neck.
To perform the shoulder stand pose, start by lying on your back with your legs together and your arms at your sides.
Bend your knees and bring your heels to your hip. Feet set firmly on the ground.
Hold your ankles. Inhale and slowly lift your hip and back off the ground.
Lock your chin with your chest and hold for ten seconds.
Exhale and slowly come back to the initial position.
Repeat 2-3 times.
13. Naukasana (Boat Pose)
Naukasana is a great yoga pose for beginners. This yoga helps improve flexibility in the hips and spine while also providing a great core workout.
To perform Naukasana, start by lying on your back with your legs extended straight in front of you.
Put your hands on your thighs.
Inhale and exhale deeply, now contract your abdominal muscles and engage your core
Breathe in your chest and lift both the legs, chest and shoulder off the ground at 45 degree.
Inhale and slowly lift your head, chest, and legs off the ground.
Keep your back straight and hold this position for ten seconds before exhaling and slowly lowering back down to the initial position.
Repeat this for 4-5 times.
14. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana is a great yoga pose for beginners. This pose helps improve flexibility in the spine and shoulders while also strengthening your back muscles.
To perform the cobra pose, start by lying on your stomach with your feet together and your hands at your sides.
Place your palms on the ground under your shoulders. Inhale and slowly lift your head and chest off the ground.
Keep your elbows close to your body and press down through your palms as you lift upward.
Hold this position for ten seconds before exhaling and returning to the starting position. Repeat two to three times.
15. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana is a great yoga pose for beginners. This pose helps improve flexibility in the spine and shoulders while also strengthening your back muscles.
To perform the bow pose, start by lying on your stomach with your feet together and your hands at your sides.
Bend your knees and bring your heels toward your glutes. Reach back and grab hold of your ankles with your hands.
As you inhale, lift your chest off the ground and press down through your feet to raise your hips higher.
At the same time, pull back on your ankles to arch your back further.
Hold this position for ten seconds before exhaling and returning to the starting position.
Repeat two to three times.