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What is PCOD/PCOS? Role of Yoga in managing this disease?

PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) are issues of the female reproductive system. It’s a hormonal issue that causes enlargement of ovaries and the development of cysts on its outer edge.

PCOD is a lifestyle disease affecting approximately 12-22% women of reproductive age, globally. It’s one of the highest cause of infertility amongst women.

The exact cause of PCOD is still unknown. However, the association of PCOD with low-grade inflammation, excess insulin, production of male hormones (Hyperandrogenism) in high quantity and genetics can be found. Also, early age of menarche, unhealthy lifestyle and pollution are some of the contributing factors of PCOD.

Ovaries make female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone and tiny amount of male sex hormone androgen. In PCOD these hormones are imbalanced and the production of female hormones decreases and male hormone androgen increases in the body. This causes growth of excess facial and body hair, appearance of pimples and acne, stopping of ovulation, etc. 

Common symptoms of PCOD/PCOS include:

  1. Acne

  2. Weight gain and trouble losing weight

  3. Extra hair on the face and body

  4. Thinning hair on the scalp

  5. Irregular periods

  6. Fertility problems

  7. Depression

Role of yoga is managing PCOD/PCOS?

In medical science, the treatment of PCOD/PCOS is hormonal therapy. This treatment method has its own cons along with pros. Holistic treatments like yogic therapy and mindfulness practice have shown to provide positive results in PCOD/PCOS patients.

Since it’s a lifestyle disease that imbalances the hormones of the body, bringing change in lifestyle and adopting healthier habits can help to manage the disease. Yoga makes us aware of our body and helps to connect body mind and breath.

Certain asanas, pranayama, and Bandha sequences when practiced daily can have a tremendous effect on PCOD/PCOS:

  1. Baddhakonasana

  2. Chakki chalanasana

  3. Marjari asana

  4. Janu Sirsa asana

  5. Malasana

  6. Kandhrasana

  7. Sarvang asana

  8. Shalbhasana

  9. Dhanurasana


  1. Kapalbhati 

  2. Nadi sodhan

With regular practice of the above-mentioned asana and pranayama, you can manage your PCOD/PCOS and associated symptoms. And experience change in mental and physical health.

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