If you are experiencing knee pain, you’re not alone. Knee pain is one of the most common types of pain that people experience. It can be caused by a variety of things, such as arthritis, overuse, or an injury. In many cases, yoga can help to strengthen the knee and reduce the risk of injury.
Causes of knee pain
– Arthritis
– Overuse
– Injury
Yoga can help to strengthen the knee by:
– Improving joint range of motion.
– Strengthening the muscles that support the knee joint.
– Reducing inflammation in the joints.
Yoga poses to try if you are experiencing knee pain:
1. Janu Naman (Knee Bending Pose)
Janu Naman is a very effective asana to release apana vayu from the knee joint and strengthen the knee. This asana is a part of Pawanmuktasana part 1 asanas series.
This yoga pose can be done by anyone, irrespective of their age and yoga experience.

How to do it:
Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you.
Inhale and bend your right leg at the knee, clasp the shin, lift your heel off the ground bring your knee close to your chest, and bring the heel close to the pelvis.
Hold for ten breaths.
Exhale and straighten your right leg, press the kneecap point your toes outwards.
Hold for ten breaths.
Repeat the process five to ten times.
2. Janu Chakra (Knee Rotation Pose)
This yoga pose is very beneficial for the knee as it lubricates and warms up the knee joint. It also helps in strengthening the muscles around the knee joint.

How to do it:
Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you.
Inhale and bend your right leg at the knee.
Place both hands under your thigh and interlock your fingers.
Raise the right off the ground, try to straighten the leg as much as you can.
Inhale and while exhaling rotate your leg from the knee, in clockwise direction five times. Then five times in anti clockwise direction.
Repeat this process for five to ten times on each side.
3. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
This yoga asana stretches the hamstrings, lower back, and hips while strengthening the shoulders, spine, and calves. It also helps to improve digestion and relieve stress.

How to do it:
Sit on the yoga mat with your legs stretched out in front of you.
Keep your spine straight, round your shoulders towards the back.
Inhale and raise your arms above your head.
Exhale and forward bend from the hip joint, keeping the spine straight.
Place your hands on either side of the feet and hold the big toe.
If you are unable to hold your feet hold your ankle or shin.
Tuck in your lower abdomen, relax the muscles of your leg and bend a little bit more.
Stop when you feel the maximum stretch behind your knees and in your thighs.
Hold for ten counts and then inhale and slowly come up.
Repeat two times.
4. Triangle Pose
Triangle pose is a great way to improve the range of motion in your knee joints. It also helps to strengthen the muscles that support your knees.

How to do it:
Stand with your feet at 2 feet gap.
Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left toes in about 45 degrees.
Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms down.
Anchor your right hand on your right shin or ankle and extend your left arm toward the ceiling, palm facing inward.
As you exhale, turn your torso to the right, resting your left hand on either the floor or a block placed outside of your left foot.
Keep both legs straight as you gaze over your right shoulder.
Hold for five to eight breaths then repeat on the other side.
5. Warrior III Pose
Warrior III is a great yoga pose for strengthening the muscles around the knee joint. It also helps improve balance and coordination.

How to do it:
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.
Shift your weight onto your left leg as you bend your right knee and bring your right foot off the ground behind you.
Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms down.
As you exhale, lean forward from your hips, keeping your spine straight.
Your body should form a straight line from your right heels to the crown of your head.
Hold for ten to fifteen breaths then repeat with the other leg.
6. Chair Pose
Chair yoga pose is a great way to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint. It also tones thigh muscles and glutes.

How to do it:
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.
Keep your weight equally distributed from toe to ankle.
Inhale and while exhaling bend your knees, push your hip back and straighten your spine.
Your knee should be parallel to the toes.
Engage your core, hip muscles and thigh muscles.
Do not shift your weight on your knees.
Hold for ten ten to twenty counts and then come back.
Repeat 2-3 times.
7. Downward Dog (Adhomukh Svanasanaa)
Downward dog yoga pose is a great way to stretch the knee joint, ligaments and nerves at the back of the knee. It also strengthen the muscles around the knee joint and also helps to strengthen shoulders, arms, and legs.

How to do it:
Start in a tabletop position on your hands and knees with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
As you exhale, tuck your toes under and lift your hips and back up , extending both legs straight as you come into an inverted “V” shape.
Keep your hands planted firmly on the ground, fingers spread wide so that you distribute the weight evenly through all ten fingers.
Engage your core muscles as you press evenly through both palms and heels, lengthening through the crown of the.
Let your head hang heavy and relax your neck.
Hold for three to five breaths then release back into tabletop position.
Repeat two to three times.
These are just some of the yoga poses that can help strengthen your knee and reduce the risk of injury. There are many other yoga poses that can also be beneficial. If you have any concerns, you can book health consultation classes from our expert teachers and yoga therapist.
Be sure to check out our other blog post on Yoga for Beginners! We go over the basic poses and what you need to get started in your yoga journey: 15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide
Very well explained in simple words. Very useful.