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3 Yoga Poses Which Helps To Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is very rampant nowadays and it is the leading cause of deaths in women. Many Indian women are ignorant of their bodies and hence they miss out on the early symptoms of breast cancer. One should always look out for the symptoms like swelling or soreness of the breast, the formation of a lump in the breast, retracted nipples, etc. There are many causes of breast cancer and most of them are not in our control. Sometimes breast cancer isn’t even identified until they have reached an advanced stage. So, it is very important for us to take care of our breasts to prevent this deadly disease. With proper diet and yoga practice, you can prevent breast cancer.

Here are 3 effective yoga asana to prevent breast cancer. Do it daily for the best result.


This pose is a very effective yoga pose to work out chest and neck area.


  1. Lie flat on your back. Your hands should be by your side, palm facing down. Your legs would be together and stretched straight. Keep a little distance between your legs.

  2. Keep your body relaxed and calm. Inhale deeply. Take as much breath as you can.

  3. Now your chest up. Stretch it as much as you can. Count till 20-30 or until you can hold your breath.

  4. Now exhale slowly and bring your chest down.

  5. Do this asana for at least 10-11 times.

This asana would prevent the formation of lump in your breast.


Sarpasana or snake pose strengthens chest and shoulder and is very effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer. If practiced daily it can also reduce the risk of heart-related disease.


  1. Lie flat on your stomach. Your hands would be by your side, legs would be straight and forehead would be touching the ground.

  2. Lock your fingers together and stretch it towards the back.

  3. Take a deep breath and hold it inside. Now lift your head and torso from the ground and stretch it back as much as you can. Stretch your hands further back.

  4. Be in this position for 10 to 15 seconds. Exhale and return back to your original position.

Akarna Dhanurasana

This asana is also called ear bow pose or archer’s pose. The benefits of this asana are manifold. While doing this asana the pressure is on the thigh, groin, belly, and chest. It is very effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer and other various diseases.


  1. Sit straight with legs stretched to the front.

  2. Sit firmly in this position and keep both your palm on your thighs. Breathe deeply while doing this.

  3. Now slide your hands towards your feet. Hold right toe with a right hand and pull your feet towards your face and bring it behind your ear.

  4. Hold left toe with the left hand. Your left foot should be firmly on the ground.

  5. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to one minute. After that return back to your original position.

This is advanced asana and should only be performed under expert supervision. Pregnant women and people with spinal injury should not attempt this asana.

If you perform these asanas regularly you can keep breast cancer at bay.

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